Discord Server One Year Anniversary
Previously we launched a student artwork showcase activity on our discord server, inviting our students to share their artworks created from Wingfox’s courses.
Here we got 26 submissions in total from 2D and 3D categories. Let’s take a look at them and see how they feel about the courses!
3D Category Submissions:
From @JeanBaptisteGaeng (Winner)
Course name: “Liu yifei likeness as Mulan” for Photorealistic rendering
Lecturer: 박정원
About the course: Hello, please find attached my latest artwork : Liu The Dragon Huntress. I followed several Wingfox courses to learn the creation process: – “Liu yifei likeness as Mulan” by Jungwon Park – “Creating an Advanced Cinematic Character – Vagrant Knight” by Huifeng Huang – “Creating a photorealistic character: Joan of Arc” by Mike Hong Opinion : I really enjoyed doing this project! I wanted to learn for a long time how to create ultra-realistic 3D characters for VFX/Games and the Wingfox courses allowed me to learn in detail the workflow. Wingfox’s courses are of excellent quality and I really recommend attending their courses if you want to learn this type of skill! For my next artwork I intend to improve the realism of my next 3D character and I will follow others Wingfox courses for that. Thanks everyone!
More photos/details/breakdown on : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Aqd13e
I will post the full breakdown video recording my progress creating the artwork next monday on my Youtube channel here : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OQEPnxzvpZg Thanks everyone!

From @Psymisthic
Course name: Magical Classroom Scene Creating for Games
Lecturer: Ognyan Aleksandrov Z
About the course: Hi My Name is Andrew, this is my Character Artwork. Maybe this sounds a bit weird since my porfolio is a character but, thanks to Magical Classroom tutorial I Could explore more to do texture painting on Substance Designer and Painter. I bought it on 72% sale and thats very worthed.

From @JaydenLee
Course name: Hard Surface Modeling Tutorial: High Poly Character Design for Games
Lecturer: Salman
About the course: Hi, Im Jayden Lee and that is my newest artwork. I was looking for good tutorial for my artwork and finally could find great tutorial called “Hard surfacing modeling tutorial : high poly character design for games”This tutorial makes my modeling skill improve well and furthermore, I could win the Weta digital modelling contest so I got a chance for internship from Weta digital. I pretty sure you guys can improve your hard surfacing modeling through the tutorial. And Im really thanks for Wingfox!

From @Saga
Course name: Magical Classroom Scene Creating for Games
Lecturer: Ognyan Aleksandrov Z
About the course: Many tips and techniques form ” Magical class room scene creation for games ” was quite helpful in this personal work am creating .The best part I liked is I was able to translate many information from it for my own creation. Checkout! Artstation Link: https://www.artstation.com/shyamsagars

From @andersongalhardo
Course name: UE4 Real-time Rendering Character
Lecturer: Fábio Pacheco Paiva
About the course: Very good tutorial I learned a lot and a lot of knowledge about Unreal!

From @andersongalhardo
Course name: Creating a female assassin character for Unreal Engine
Lecturer: Fábio Pacheco Paiva
About the course: Very good tutorial. I learned a lot and had full support by asking the teacher. Thanks!

Course name: 게임 캐릭터 손맵하는 기법
Lecturer: Segu Son
About the course: Before purchase this course, I think it seems really hard for me, because the course is in Korean without subtitle. But, after purchased the course, I see the worflow of the instructor is very easy to understand, even if I don’t understand his language. This course is really awesome for me, who want to create a mobile game character, the hand painting skill Korean style is awesome as always. Additional testimonial: I’m 36 years old, I’m not young, not yet too old, but at this age, it seems really hard to learn new things. At age 36, I’m willing to make a mobile 3D game. At December of 2020, after I found Yiihuu – Wingfox on internet by chance. I found the course 게임 캐릭터 손맵하는 기법 (Segu Son) Then I found Cyberpunk Art and Drawing Course (Gharliera) later. Both 2 course teach me from the scratch to cerate a character. From 2D concept (Cyberpunk Art and Drawing Course) to create a 3D character base on my own concept (게임 캐릭터 손맵하는 기법) It’s just only 8 months, I who knows nothing about drawing and modeling, now can create concept and 3D character for my own. Thank you so much, @wingfox team, also 2 instructors Segu Son and Gharly.
Sketchfab link: https://skfb.ly/opxMq

From @Frosti
Course name: Mastering 3D Modeling in Maya
Lecturer: Mario Brajdich
About the course: Finished sci fi asset course!

From @yon
Course name: Use Arnold for Lighting, Rendering and Compositing
Lecturer: barczyors
About the course: The final renders of my work.”Use Arnold for Lighting, Rendering and Compositing” course by Örs Bárczy has been a great help for the lighting and composition of the final result.

From @Artem93
Course name: 3D Stylized Character Archaeologist: ZBrush-Maya Workflow
Lecturer: Guillaume Mahieu
About the course: Finally finished the character creation course. This is my first character, and I am very glad that I finished it)

From @Fawze
Course name: 3D Game-Ready Environment In Unreal Engine 4
Lecturer: David Masana Lafuente
About the course:Hello everyone. What do you guys think of my work? I tried to follow the concept art as best i could

From @Tamosch94
Course name: The Dwarf Warrior: 3D Character Creation For Game
Lecturer:HoOman Raad
About the course:Hello everyone. What do you guys think of my work? I tried to follow the concept art as best i could.

From @MoustacheArts
Course name: Te
About the course:I have made this character called Elisheba, for a personal project with AAA characteristics for video games, but not for cinematics. I learned a lot in the course and it has helped me improve.Here is a post with the images of the sculpture in ZBrush and renders in Marmoset Toolbag.
Artstation Link: https://www.artstation.com/moustahceknight

2D Category Submissions:
From @Yari (Winner)
Course name: Level Up Your Digital Painting Skills: Beginner to Advanced
Lecturer: Fish man ( Yu Ing )
About the course: The promenade interior shot for a portfolio project. I used techniques learned from the courses: Level up your digital painting by fishman and the lost soldier. I used the photobash & painting techniques using layer modes taught by the digital painting course and the 3d usage & design information from the lost soldier.

From @Oochami
Course name: Level Up Your Digital Painting Skills: Beginner to Advanced
Lecturer: Fish man ( Yu Ing )
About the course: I’m totally in love with these lessons. Practice finished, I learned a lot from the Level Up Your Digital Painting Skills course, I also feel more confident because I’ve always wanted to learn how to paint something like this.

From @Oochami
Course name: Lucid, a Fantasy Character Illustration Tutorial
Lecturer: Livia Prima
About the course: I made this artwork by following what I learned from Livia Prima’s Fantasy illustration tutorial. I made the exact process she teaches there. Thumbnails, Greyscale rendering, then colouring and refining painting. It’s pretty useful.

From @Oochami
Course name: Level Up Your Digital Painting Skills: Beginner to Advanced
Lecturer: Fish man ( Yu Ing )
About the course:Hi, here’s another practice finished thanks to the amazing photobashing techniques I learned from Fishman’s “Level Up Your Digital Painting Skills”.

From @Levath6
Course name: The Medieval Maiden
Lecturer: Wingfox Studio
About the course: Greetings fellow artists! My name is Levath, this is my work after i learned from a 2d illustrations course named “The Medieval Maiden” by Lin Qi (菻七).
This course has taught me much more than i expected starting from how to handle colors, lightning, character concepts, and how proffessionals workflows looks like. This course is suitable for beginners because the instructor explained the lessons in details and walks us through them in real time. I’m very thankful for Lin Qi and wingfox for creating this awesome tutorial. Definitely would wait for more 2d course!

From @Alexxa16
Course name: Character Painting in Photoshop
Lecturer: Wingfox Studio
About the course: After finishing the course I wanted to apply the learned to my own concept, the emerald witch, with the new knowledge bringing the concept to life wasn’t as hard, not only ive learned on coloring and design but also workflow, having clear steps to follow allows you to bring ideas out of your head easily. Thank you.

From @Alexxa16
Course name: Cyberpunk Art and Drawing Course
Lecturer: gharly
About the course: I really enjoyed this course, before it I never thought I’ll be able to create thin lines, or machine type of drawing, I think the teacher’s method is very clear and straight to the point, also he uses his tools in a very efective way, I haven’t finished yet, but this is looking good! I’m pretty happy with my purchase.

From @Alexxa16
Course name: Character Painting in Photoshop
Lecturer:Wingfox Studio
About the course: I’ve enjoyed the course, the teacher gave us great tips on the design side, rithm, color, and the details. in general the coloring and design techniques are the most important things I’ve learned form this course, very cool! looks like a character ready for a videogame!

From @Alexxa16
Course name: Basic Environment Concept Design for Wuxia Films
Lecturer:Wingfox Studio
About the course: I really enjoyed this course, it’s a combination of matte painting and photobashing, it takes many hours to do a photo realistic image from imagination like this, with the course I can rely on steps to build my own workflow, I recommend it!

From @Alexxa16
Course name: Basic Environment Concept Design for Wuxia Films
Lecturer:Wingfox Studio
About the course: After finishing the course I decided to do my own painting, the lessons were very useful for me to do this painting, I used the lessons and techniques learned, i recomend the courses!

From @Alexxa16
Course name: Basic Environment Concept Design for Wuxia Films
Lecturer:Fish man ( Yu Ing )
About the course: Beginner to Advanced by Fishman | Opinion: after i finished the course i tested my skills on an old idea I had, the lessons and technique teached me helped me to consolidate and create a convincing artwork.

From @Arclamb
Course name: Level Up Your Digital Painting Skills: Beginner to Advanced
Lecturer:Fish man ( Yu Ing )
About the course: I learned a lot of painting technique in this course. Thank you Wingfox and Fishman.

Course name: Cyberpunk Art and Drawing Course
About the course: This is the 2nd time I partcipate events from Wingfox, also the second time I participate with Gharliera course. This time, the course was completed updated I learned a lot from his course, from proportions to create cyberpunk weapons. The course is great for beginners as well as who has interested in cyberpunk manga (cell shading) style. So many thanks to Wingfox, who brings Gharliera art/course to us.

Welcome to join our discord server! Your peers are waiting for you ! https://discord.gg/SZdHfac
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